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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tokyo and the whole of Japan this 2013

Shinz? Abe, born 21 September, 1954 is a Japanese politician and was the President of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the chairman of the Oyagaku propulsion parliamentary group. He served the country as Prime Minister, December 26, 2006. He was elected by a special session on the National Diet and was the 90th Prime Minister. Abe was the youngest post–World War II prime minister and the first born after the war. He lasted as Prime minister for only less than a year resigning on September 12, 2007. And on 26 September last year, Abe defeated former Minister of Defense Shigeru Ishiba in a run-off vote to win the LDP presidential election. And on December 26, same year, Abe became Prime Minister again following the LDP’s landslide victory in the 2012 general election with a government. Read More

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bradley pleads guilty to dripping to WikiLeaks

The army soldier named Bradley Manning accused of giving bombshell classified documents to WikiLeaks which has officially admitted by him. Bradley blames himself on the courtroom according to some witnesses. Currently, associates are under investigation for their participation in the largest public breach of classified data in history.

In a hearing in a Fort Meade, Maryland courtroom Thursday, Bradley pleaded guilty to ten of the 22 charges he faces in his court martial over allegations that he violated his secret clearance in giving information to WikiLeaks that regarded military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan–including the Apache helicopter video WikiLeaks titled “Collateral Murder”–as well as documents regarding the Guantanamo Bay prison. Those charges carry a maximum twenty year sentence. But Bradley denied some of the most serious charges against him, including “aiding the enemy,” a charge theoretically punishable by death, though prosecutors had previously stated that they would seek only life imprisonment for the 25 year old.

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